Denver Sewer Line Inspection

Need a sewer diagnosis?

Let us give you the best prognosis.

denver sewer line inspection
    • Bluetooth technology, so we can live stream your sewer scope
    • Highest resolution sewer line inspection camera; we can clearly view all sewer issues
    • Self leveling sewer cameras so the video is always right side up.

Our reports are a 4 point inspection of the sewer line including: Internal Sewer Line, Transition point, External Mainline and the City Tap connection to the city main.

Internal Plumbing: We not only inspect the condition of the main sewer line outside the house we also report on the portion of your mainline that runs underneath the home, we do this to verify no immediate back flow issues or indications of leakage underneath the foundation

Transition point: This is the joint where the line exits the home and is most often located right at the foundation wall. We inspect this to verify that the joint is connected with no leakage. Leakage in this location could cause damage to the home’s foundation.

External: This portion of the line is the potentially the most expensive to repair because it is under the ground and may need to be excavated to fix. This section is vital because this is where a majority of the sewer problem exist. Potential sewer issues in this portion of the line are: root intrusions, bellies and low points, breaks, offsets and collapsed lines.

City tap: This is potentially the most crucial portion of the sewer main line as the home owner is responsible for the repair of this connection if needed. This is also one area of the home owner’s line that the city monitors. This area is typically the most expensive to repair.

Distances to important sections of your line: this portion of the report will help you determine where problems are in correlation to the video as well as knowing how long your line is.

Locates: Many companies do not include the location of sewer line issues in their report. Included in your fee we will mark in the home, street or yard the exact location of any sewer line issues.

Recommendations: It takes a critical and experienced eye to property identify any sewer line issues that need attention and ones that don’t. Sewer Diagnostics will not flag any issues that do not need repair potentially saving you thousands of dollars.

  • Complete and thorough inspection of your sewer line inside and outside the home.
  • Free, accurate sewer locates
  • The best detailed reporting in the business
  • All inspectors are uniformed and clean cut
  • We provide strategies to repair or maintain the sewer line to keep it running properly

A sewer line inspection is a vital step when considering purchasing a new home. Sewer Diagnostics will be able to see the mainline that is under the home, yard and street or ally which would otherwise not be visible. The number one reason to inspect the sewer mainline is for home protection. This can save you thousands of dollars down the road. Our sewer inspectors will give you a thorough and complete sewer line inspection with a detailed report and video link. We use top of line equipment with high definition screens, self-leveling cameras and Bluetooth monitors with live streaming to any mobile device that will allow you to watch the sewer scope from any room in the house! When we do come across a problem we can diagnose whether it requires a simple cleaning all the way to a sewer repair, and we can locate your problem to allow for a quick and accurate sewer repair.

Denver Sewer Line Inspection

A water or waste drainage problem is especially challenging to address because there are so many hidden plumbing components that service your home. In addition to the plumbing inside your home, there are lines running underground on your property and extending out to the city’s water supply and waste disposal lines.